Thursday, June 7, 2007

The Ballad of Day by Day

The ballad of the blessed “I owe you”
played out caustically at the Ghost Drum Apartments
in the glum evening while the cat’s paw
inadvertently grazed any passersby within reach.

The day’s advanced hue
agreed with the skipper of the rink oiler
sewn together with the day’s ballad
that oath I was harassed by: “I owe you.”

Paw dashed off the ballad as he and Hydra swayed
harassed by obsessive seeds they owed the thugs
shouting acceptance of them on sight.

Paw adds chaff day by day
bashfully afraid to withdraw from deal hunger.

He agreed to the eye gift
as the Arctic Fleet team aptly raged a heating party
they ate their way west as thirty yodel herds
heated the western air to a flaw ballad he had ha-ha-ha-ed.

The oath I harassed to owe now acts as fetus, okay?
Aptly, the weal hue agreed with rink oiler
sewn together west on the airboat I harassed you with
the ballad of apt paw dashed away and wreaked
in agreement with the rink oiler.

The western airway gaggled the oily few into a yawn ballad
then harassed owed thong to accept suck on the dashboard.

We agreed with the rink thief
about how the west air had hewn the airflow
the ballad harassed now acute and dumb with paw prints
on the dashboard far away from the “k” tool.

I agreed to the jail oath “thou rink is oily”
played out caustically as west air aptly raged
the ballad of obsessive day by day
the skipper agreed that life is oily.


About Me

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I started making ZINES in 1981 and the only reason I ever stopped was because I no longer have the time to assemble them or the money to print them and mail them. Someone came along and invented these "Blogs" (not what I would call them, but oh well...) and so I'm continuing my Zines in this online, electronic format, for now...