Monday, November 1, 2021

Mourning the Savvy Gentleman

The savvy

gentleman, being no help,

will trick

food into the pan

and wait for freezing

snow to melt


rather than melt

the snow. The savvy

gentleman is freezing

to death. Help!

He would pan

for gold rather than trick


’r treat, or trick

’n’ cheat, melt

the gold down, and pan-

handle like a savvy

traveler, never asking for help,

even when freezing


to death. The ol’ freezing

to death trick.


It will melt

the heart of the most savvy

cynic, like Zamfir, master of the pan


flute. (The pan

flute, so cool it’s freezing,

chick-magnet of savvy

hipsters. Not.) It’s no trick

to melt

hearts on a help


line for self-help

addicts if you’re a pan-

like god. Will snow melt

hearts, freezing

unprovoked? Will early spring trick

the savvy


gentleman, eating a tuna melt? God help

us all, both the savvy and the pan-cake-eating,

freezing-yogurt-eating, and other trick-food-eating masses.



About Me

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I started making ZINES in 1981 and the only reason I ever stopped was because I no longer have the time to assemble them or the money to print them and mail them. Someone came along and invented these "Blogs" (not what I would call them, but oh well...) and so I'm continuing my Zines in this online, electronic format, for now...